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Olympian goes all-out on a McDonald’s cheat day feast after he finishes competing

Olympian Sawan Serasinghe celebrated the end of his competition in a big way, with an enormous, cheat day feast from McDonald’s.

The Australian badminton player posted a photo of his spread, which includes four packs of chicken nuggets, six large fries, four burgers, two chicken sandwiches, six brownies and a smoothie, on Facebook Saturday after losing his men’s doubles match.

“Have to say I am disappointed about the match today. We definitely had a good chance to stretch the match to three sets towards the end of the second set but couldn’t close it out,” Serasinghe wrote. “We would have loved to end our first Olympic campaign with a win against a much higher ranked pair. Although having said that, there are lots of good things to learn from the matches in the last three days playing against more experienced pairs. Can’t wait to go back home to start training and keep on improving!”

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