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Photos: 'Fashion Santa' is turning heads at Yorkdale Mall!

Santa Claus may be a timeless figure, but through the ages he has never had a figure like “Fashion Santa” at a Toronto-area mall.

Paul Mason has been a model for more than thirty years. Two years ago, the Toronto model grew a beard and adopted the identity of Fashion Santa, turning heads at Yorkdale Shopping Centre.

“You get people that are a little confused, but once they think about it for a second, they warm up,” Mason said.

Mason wears a red jacket, black belt and boots, but says he draws the line at wearing a hat.
“No hat, no God, please. I draw the line there,” Mason said. “I am wearing a velvet jacket, its Ferragamo, but I am wearing a velvet jacket.”

For every selfie taken with Fashion Santa that gets posted on social media, Yorkdale donates $1 to the SickKids Foundation.


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