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NFL's Antonio Cromartie buys his mum a home... then evicts her!

Antonio Cromartie just gave his mom some tough love…by kicking her out of the home he bought for her!

Now that the woman is homeless, one of her children have set up a GoFundMe account to help their mom during this tough time.

According to the fundraising page — money, Antonio’s “evil wife” and “mental illness” have caused a divide between the athlete and his mom.

“I am raising money on my mom’s behalf so that she can purchase her own home since her son Antonio Cromartie (a former NFL player) decided to kick her out of his house. It’s sad how money, an evil wife and mental illness can come between a son and his mother. This is a home you claim to have purchase for your mother but now want her to move out, smh. But life have to go on and if putting my mom out his house is what he wants then hey so be it. Just remember Mr.Cromartie whatever seeds that you sow you shall someday reap. Thanks in advance to you that donates, I whole heartly love my mom. Peace and Love”

But TMZ tells a different story.

They claim Antonio bought the house in 2007, he was previously paying for everything, but recently asked his mom to start paying the $700 mortgage. The mom refused because she considered the house to be a gift.

Welp, now she has been kicked out of the home…unless she pays the $2,310 in back payments.

Antonio is currently a free agent, and he also has 12 kids to support. Sounds like mama needs to get a job

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