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'I think I'll wear gold tonight': Olympics athlete sends a snap of condoms to his wife... and her response is priceless!

An Olympic athlete sent a flirty message to his wife, but her response to his flirtatious antics is brilliant. Over 450,000 condoms and 175,000 packets of lubricants were distributed to athletes in the
Olympic village in Rio. Discus competitor Benn Harradine sent a photo of his set of condoms to his wife saying;

“My Olympic condoms have arrived… I think I’ll wear Gold tonight.”

His wife, instead of pandering to his flirt antics replied him in the most savage of ways, she said ;

“Why not wear silver and come second for a change.” Benn, startled by his wife's epic response, posed it on Instagram and captioned it “One of the rare occasions when second place actually wins”.

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