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We can't fund all projects in the 2016 budget - Minister of Finance

Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun, says that the Federal government will not be able to fund all projects in the 2016 budget due to the dwindling economy. According to Adeosun, projects will be done according to importance. Adeosun stated this while appearing before members of the House of Representatives yesterday May 26th.

“So what we are now doing is project first. Tell us what you are going to do with the money, give us your milestones. I can’t promise you that every single agency will receive every single Naira in the budget, that will be untrue and that will be a misleading impression. However, what I will assure is that there will be no favouritism, there will be no need for anybody to come and lobby in our office for the release of funds. Funds will be released first on priority of projects, MDAs must make request for the capital and we must measure how the capital is spent.” she said


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