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In this Yoruba village, only women are allowed to rule!

A lot of times, people think  the African culture is inherently chauvinistic. Maybe in some ways it is, but a little search shows some cultures and traditions where women are honored.

In Arnado Debbo, a small rural community situated in Adamawa State,  only women are allowed to rule. In fact, it is  abomination for a man to even consider taking the throne. Most of us didn't know that right?  Continue...

How it happened is chuckle worthy.

Years back, the kingdom was faced with a curious challenge. Kings, upon taking the throne died 3 to 6 months after. It was then that they decided to experiment with womenfolk. The problem was solved! No female king died mysteriously.

The ruler lives a life of simplicity. She lives in  the central hut, sits on a simple chair in a thatched porch, with a female aide to her left and male courtiers sitting on a sprawling mat before her.

The present ruler- 76-year-old Nyagangwu, Bintu Namda, was crowned in November 2014  She is the 16th ruler of the clan.

To be a ruler – the prospect has to be at least 60 years old.

Don't you just love history?

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