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How this boy stood up to neighbourhood bullies shows again that success is the best revenge!

A woman named Tabitha Boyce has shared an inspirational story on how her son, Jacob, refused to be bullied by kids in his neighborhood.

The mother who shared the story which has since gone viral, said as her son was exiting the car after a long day at the track, some neighborhood kids started laughing and pointing at him, taunting him because of his spandex track uniform.

Rather than get into a fight, the brave young man replied them by showing off his medals, a reward of hard work and dedication.

Below is what Tabitha Shared on her Facebook page:

”Soooo earlier as Jacob was exiting the car after a long day at the track the neighborhood kids started laughing and pointing at him. Taunting him about his spandex track uniform! To which he quickly replied,

“This my track uniform and I’ve been at the track running all day, while you sleep and play I’m at work, which is where you need to be” One boy yelled out, “I bet you slow” Jacob said, “I’ll be right back” This is how he came back!”


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