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PDP lost Lagos because one joker deceived & betrayed Jonathan - Bode George

PDP chieftain, Cheif Bode George has revealed why the party lost Lagos state during the last general elections. He said the ex-president Jonathan was mislead by ''a joker'. Excerpts from his interview with Saturday Sun 

During this last election, PDP almost won, what happened was that former President Goodluck Jonathan and our leaders in Abuja were misled by some people in Lagos who gave them the impression that they were the ones who can deliver Lagos. Unfortunately, Jonathan fell for their deception.

One joker in Lagos State told Jonathan that he has Lagos State under his armpit and that he would single-handedly deliver Lagos State to PDP. Unfortunately, Jonathan lis­tened to these liars and manipulators. These elements took advantage of Jonathan’s good nature. He trusted them, but these congenital liars betrayed Jonathan. If our party leaders had listened to us, things would not have turned out that way. These people deceived Jonathan and messed up, hoping they want­ed to go back into government as ministers. Their action led to Jimmy Agbaje’s defeat.

But all hope is not yet lost for PDP, just as I’m optimistic that we will bounce back in 2019, and Lagos State will be one of the states to be won by PDP. I’m sure former President Goodluck Jonathan will someday in his memoir write about his experience with those liars, the roles they played in his campaign for re-election during the 2015 presidential election. Many liars took ad­vantage of Jonathan’s good nature


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