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Charlie Sheen pens down heart breaking letter about his HIV diagnosis.

Right after he broke his silence, the 50 - year old actor has written  down an open letter where he talked about his diagnosis and how it sent him into what he describes as a 'suicide run'.

The letter:
Roughly four years ago, I suddenly found myself in the throws of a seismic and debilitating three-day cluster migraine like headache. I was emergently hospitalized with what I believed to be a brain tumor or perhaps some unknown pathology.  I was perhaps correct. Following a battery of endless tests, that included a hideous spinal tap, it was sadly and shockingly revealed to me that I was, in fact, positive of HIV.

He continues;  the news was a mule kick to my soul. Those impossible words I absorbed and then tried to convince myself, that I was stuck, suspended, or even stranded inside some kind of alternate reality or nightmare, were to the absolute contrary.  I was awake. It was true... reality.

Under the brilliant and perfect care of Dr. Robert Huizenga as well as the leading infectious disease expert in the known universe, I began a rigorous and intensive treatment program. Not missing a beat, a med dose, or one shred of guidance.  Quickly my viral loads became undetectable.  Like every other challenge in my life, again, I was victorious and kicking this disease's ass. I wish my story had ended there.
Unfortunately, for my family and myself, it had only just begun.

Sheen says the diagnosis led him into a downward spiral of substance abuse.

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