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Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Beyonce and others make TIMES 2016 Person of the Year list

Candidates for the 2016 Person of the Year was announced on Monday, 5th, December 2016 on NBC. The list consist persons who most influenced the news, for better or for worse. Hilary Clinton,
Donald Trump, Beyonce, Simone Biles, Valdimir Putin and 7 others made list. See the full list after the cut.

1. Simone Biles
2. Hillary Clinton
3. CRISPR Scientists
4. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
5. Nigel Farage
6. The Flint Whistleblowers
7. Beyoncé Knowles
8. Narendra Modi
9. Vladimir Putin
10. Donald Trump
11. Mark Zuckerberg

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