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Kendall Jenner deletes her Instagram account and her 68.6million followers are freaking out!

Here's some small consolation for you: no matter how many social media followers you lose in one day, you'll never be able to lose as many as Kendall Jenner.

Fans are absolutely freaking out, because the reality superstar/model's Instagram account has completely disappeared, along with her 68.6 MILLION followers.

While we don't have any kind of concrete reasoning for this tremendously devastating turn of events, it's not a stretch to wonder if it has something to do with Kendall's lengthy court case again a stalker, which ended recently.

Shavuaghn McKenzie was found not guilty - which reportedly came as a shock to Jenner - but was instead charged for trespassing. He spent a small amount of time in jail, but was released only three days ago.

Considering her big sister Kim Kardashian was recently tied up in her hotel room and robbed at gunpoint due to thieves coming after a ring she'd posted a photo of on her social media, it would be understandable if Kendall didn't feel comfortable sharing her entire life and whereabouts of a visual social media platform right now.

Some have also brought up the fact that Jenner has openly spoken about living with anxiety and sleep paralysis, and that the deletion of her social media accounts could be linked to self-care and erasing sources of mental health triggers.

But regardless, fans are absolutely gutted:

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