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Queen Elizabeth mourns the death of one of her corgis

One of Queen Elizabeth's beloved corgis has died.

The Queen's 13-year-old dog, Holly, was reportedly put down last week at Balmoral, Scotland, after suffering from illness and old age.

Holly famously appeared in the James Bond sketch that opened the 2012 London Olympics, alongside her royal mum and Daniel Craig.

She was also one of the pets featured in the royal portraits taken earlier this year for Vanity Fair. The photos, shot by Annie Leibovitz in honor of the Queen's 90th birthday, were shot at Her Royal Majesty's home at Windsor Castle, where she was surrounded by her pups and family.

The Queen's three other dogs, Willow, Vulcan, and Candy, were in the portrait as well. Like Holly, Willow is also 13 and a full-blood corgi. The latter two are actually dorgis, a combination of a corgi and a dachshund.

According to the Daily Mail, which was the first to report on the dog's death, insiders are saying that the Queen is "very sad" about putting Holly to sleep "but she doesn't like seeing her dogs suffer and Holly had reached a very good age."

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