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LOL! EJ Johnson says his sister Elisa brought her crush on vacation for the ''D''

EJ Johnson is putting his sister on blast!

In a hilarious clip from Wednesday's all-new episode of EJNYC, EJ and his friends gather around the dinner table to kick off their sun-filled Caribbean vacation in St. Martin, but Drew Mac immediately starts grilling Elisa Johnson's new crush, Jarrod, who she invited on the trip only a short time into their relationship.

"When I saw Jarrod for the first time, it was kind of—I was like, 'Oh, another one!'" Drew says.
"I know Elisa brought him for the D," EJ says. "There's always room in Elisa's suitcase for D, right next to the hairspray and the makeup." LOL!

Nevertheless, he admits Jarrod is already an upgrade from her previous boyfriend,Anthony.

"She literally could have picked a garbage person off the side of the street," EJ says. "I would have been fine—anything other than Anthony."

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