During what seemed to be a peaceful protest against police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in Dallas, Texas about an hour ago, one of the protesters opened fire on Police officers. No eyewitness saw the shooter, they only said they heard gunshots and all ran away.
An eyewitness Michael Bautista said he heard the shooting and ducked for cover. Another eyewitness said they heard about 12 to 20 gunshots and saw Police officers carry a wounded undercover Police officer into a van. Another eye witness said he saw a police officer with gunshot wounds to his shoulder sitting on the curb.
UPDATE: Dallas Area Rapid Transit say: 1 officer has been confirmed dead while 3 officers have non-life threatening injuries and are in various hospitals.
1 suspect has been 'neutralized' while the 2nd one has been 'pinned down'.
Two officers have been taken to 2 different hospitals for treatment.
The Police are supposedly trying to negotiate with a second shooter.
Update: Officers injured are said to be 3-6.
Story still developing.
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