Mahmoud ElAwadi, a Muslim in Orlando, shared a story of giving blood to those injured in the shooting at Pulse nightclub that has now gone viral on Facebook.
On Sunday, ElAwadi posted a picture of his arm as blood is being drawn, adding a message that confronts the incident head on, while also offering hope by pointing out the good deeds that have followed
"Yes I'm sad, frustrated and mad that a crazy guy claim to be a Muslim did that shameful act," he wrote. "Yes our community in central Florida is heart broken but let's put our colors, religions, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political views all aside so we can UNITE against those who are trying to hurt us."
"Yes I donated blood even thought I can't eat or drink anything cause I'm fasting in our holy month Ramadan just like hundreds of other Muslims who donated today here in Orlando," he continues. "Yes together we will stand against hate, terrorism, extremism and racism."
As news of Sunday's attack – which killed 49 and injured 53 others – continued to come together, it was revealed that the shooterpledged his alliance to ISIS in the middle of his rampage. The Islamic State later claimed responsibility.
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