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This story of a 93-year-old and 2 lawn mowers will melt your heart

This will restore your faith in humanity.

When a 93-year-old woman was spotted trying to mow her lawn, two complete strangers rushed to her assistance, making for a beautiful act of kindness that is going viral. 

Rodney Smith, Jr., a senior at Alabama A&M University, posted a photo to Facebook that has been shared nearly 250,000 times in less than a week. 

“We did this sweet lady’s lawn today. She is 93, the neighbors told us that she had been out there trying to cut her own lawn,” Smith wrote.

Turns out, the 93-year-old isn’t the only senior Smith and his colleague Terrence Stroy have been helping out. 

Smith, who hails from Bermuda, first got the idea to help those in need with their lawns after he saw an older man struggling to mow his grass last year. As a result, Raising Men Lawn Care Service was born in Huntsville, Alabama. He then set out with a goal of mowing just 40 lawns, but within two months, Smith and his volunteers had made it to 200 lawns. At no cost to homeowners, the lawn care service mows lawns for the disabled, seniors and single moms in the area. 

“I want to restore the importance and understanding of giving back to the community,” Smith writes on a GoFundMe page set up for the organization. 

So far, the fundraiser has drawn just over $21,000 of its $25,000 goal, which Smith says will be used to buy lawn equipment and uniforms for the volunteers. Each volunteer gets a t-shirt, colored to represent how many lawns they have mowed, similar to the belt order in karate. 

“I want to show our children (our future) that by helping others they too will receive a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, moral value and purpose in themselves,” Smith said.

Well done, men. 


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