A pair of middle school classmates who met decades later in a courtroom reunited once again under happier circumstances.
Miami-Dade Judge Mindy Glazer recognized Arthur Booth after he was arrested for burglary charges and appeared before her in bond court last year
“Did you go to Nautilus for middle school?” the judge asks, leading her former schoolmate, now 49, to burst into tears.“This was the nicest kid in middle school, he was the best kid in middle school. I used to play football with him, all the kids, and look what has happened,” she said,
Video of the encounter went viral, and Booth spent 10 months in jail before a guilty plea for burglary and grand theft led to his release into a drug treatment program on Tuesday.
She’s an inspiration and a motivation to me right now. Mindy is incredible,” Booth told CBS Miami.
“Cause I know where I could’ve been, but I’m not giving up on life.”
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