50 Cent had quite the surprise over the weekend. On Saturday, the G-Unit leader took to Instagram to share some very unexpected news by uploading a photo of him meeting his third son for the first time. 50 who’s already a daddy of two to Sireand Marquise Jackson, either recently found out about his third son or is just now making it public. Regardless, the two seem happy to be together.
“My life is full of surprises, this little guy is my son DAVIAN,” he captioned the photo.
The experience is clearly a very emotional moment for Davian, but jokester 50 always knows how to lighten the mood. He continues, “He started crying, I was thinking why you crying i gotta pay for this shit. LMAO”
“My life is full of surprises, this little guy is my son DAVIAN,” he captioned the photo.
The experience is clearly a very emotional moment for Davian, but jokester 50 always knows how to lighten the mood. He continues, “He started crying, I was thinking why you crying i gotta pay for this shit. LMAO”
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