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Woman found out she was pregnant 4 days before giving birth

A woman has given birth to a tiny baby boy, despite not knowing she was pregnant until four days before the tot appeared.

Kerri Kiloh went through all but a few days of her pregnancy completely unaware that she was carrying a child.
The 25-year-old and husband Kevin only discovered they were about to become parents after Kerri went for a hospital check-up and was told the incredible news.

But the couple’s joy quickly turned into a harrowing ordeal when their new son Karson was born 15 weeks premature . 
The couple were told Karson – weighing only 1lb 8oz – had just a 30 per cent chance of survival.

And worried medical staff 
told them they should say goodbye to the struggling tot when he was six weeks old.But ,Karson was on a ventilator for the first six months of his life has now survived and is doing well.

 According to the Daily Record , Kerri had visited St John’s Hospital in Livingston last April and was amazed to learn she was around five months’ pregnant. 


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