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Dakore Akande looks flawless on the cover of BMPro January issue

BMPro Chief Executive, Banke Meshida Lawal writes below...

From various acting roles, to becoming The Pampers Ambassador, to being on the frontline as MOBOs Clothing Ambassaddor as she wears their Collections so Beautifully, Dakore never ceases to Amaze me. I had the opportunity to watch her on set as the Promotional Clips for Fifty:The Movie were being recorded.

She belted out her lines with such ease and perfection, I had to ask the Director if she was reading through a Tele-prompter! No breaks, 1st take and she was done…. Have you seen her as the Rich and Fabulous Tola in the movie? I shed tears in the dark as I watched her emotional outburst as a Victim of Child Abuse…. Find her in other movies like Lunchtime Heroes, a film by Seyi Babatope; Unconditional with Uche Jombo amongst others…   

Dakore is also very actively involved in voluntary work for Action Aid Nigeria.  Its an Ngo involved in raising money for developmental projects in Nigeria like building roads, schools, vocational training for the youth and underpriviledged, advocating womens rights. We got talking about some of their challenges and successes and I was bowled over. To donate and be a part of this cause, go to

Came across the DakoreMumsworldblog for Cow&Gate, a forum /platform for young mothers, discussing the challenges of motherhood, infant feeding, weaning and everything related. Real mothers discuss real issues on there and I could totally relate.

So very thorough and professional, im always in awe of Dakores work ethics, acting skills, dedication to her projects. Dakore is never late to a set and if she is running behind schedule, calls to notify and apologize…very refreshing and endearing in an industry where some think making people wait is a sign of their superstar status….. Many can attest to the fact that she is a delight to work with, I call her an All-Rounder. I guess that is why she has her hands full and schedule filled, as everyone wants a piece of DAX…

Her beautiful features, imperfect eyebrow(a reminder from her childhood)which has become a constant feature on her face, is every BMPro makeup artists dream ( YES! We discuss her at our weekly roundtable and how everything just pops on her!)…. Extremely long and full lower eyelashes make you just want to bury your slim BMPRO VaVaVoom mascara wand in them. A true professional, no demands or overbearing attitude, She let me paint on as we conceptualized our BMPRO Cover, modeling everything as requested by the shoot director, and as BIGH clicked away, she served face.

Makeup-Banke Meshida Lawal


Graphics &Cover Design – LL Smith

Laoye Orimolade.


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