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Is Washington D.C trying to outlaw tattoos and body piercing?

Tattoo artists and piercers in the Washington D.C area are fighting back against new regulations that would effectively outlaw their industry.

In addition to putting sweeping restrictions on the type of work they can do, and the type of equipment that they can use, the proposed legislation would also force body artists and the companies that make their equipment, to registerwith the Washington D.C. Department of health.

However, many D.C. area artists have pointed out that there are very few suppliers that are actually from the D.C. area, which means that a company who supplies equipment or needles from another state or country would not be legally allowed to sell to artists in D.C. Furthermore, the artists also say that there is currently no way for them to actually register with the health department, meaning that it would be impossible for them to do their work legally.


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