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19-year-old college student applies to be head football coach

In what originally started as a joke, 19-year-old sophomore student at Rutgers university, Ben Kautz emailed his resume to people within the Rutgers athletic department to be the head football coach. He was shocked when Geoff Brown, the school's senior associate athletic director and chief marketing officer responded.

Brown wrote: 

Thanks, Benjamin

I will definitely pass this along. You have my vote (not that I have a vote, but if I did …)

Good luck.


"I could not believe I got a response back," Kautz said. "Once I told some friends that I got a response, they told me that I needed to put it on Twitter. And then everything just kind of blew up."

The hashtag #Kautz4coach has been drawing attention to Kautz's cause. What started as a joke has now become a somewhat serious campaign.

"Look at the positives," Kautz said of his coaching qualifications. "I'm 19 years old — you're getting tons of publicity right there. The youngest head coach ever. Good Morning America has already told me that they want me on the show if I get this job."

Kautz knows he will not get the job. But he likes the fact that people are willing to give him a chance.

"I would absolutely love an interview," Kautz says. "I just think that would be the coolest thing."

Source: AP 


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